Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: What to do with a bookshelf

after you've eaten and torn all the books ;)


Anonymous said...

Aaaaaaaaaa brothers! :-)

evel dread said...

Oh yea...all the books are out of reach here :) to keep them from being eaten, of course!

janetoile28 said...

hahahhah poor brother:-) he was punish by his little bro!cute though hehehe

Suzanne's Blog, Jane's Blog said...

They are both too cute. Its like give them a box and they are happy. No need for the toys. (janes blog)

Rhonda Gales said...

Quite the creative ones aren't they, lol. Great post.

smarmoofus said...

Cute! I love how they seemed to be taking turns crawling in the shelves. That bookcase must have entertained them for hours. *giggle* Kids are so funny.

Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

What ever keeps them occupied, right?

Anonymous said...

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