Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Food for the Dogs

I actually hadn't taken too many pics this week, had to go fishing through a couple weeks of photos... you'll notice this was before the boy's haircut :)


Nissa said...

Your son's already a good doggie caretaker! :)

I haven't taken any pics this week, either. Not sure if I'll make wordless wednesday this week.

KC said...

guess his job around the house is to feed the dog. :)
too too cute.
Happy WW

Joyful Days said...

I call my pooch a fur-trimmed vacuum cleaner. Great shots! I remember those days.

Kmommy said...

LOL! Yes, around here we call baby food expensive dog food!

tx sweetie said...

oh he's a boy? too pretty to be a boy.long hair eh. but hmm why is he feeding the food instead of his mouth?


Check out mine too,they're up now.

Great Companion

Beth from the Funny Farm said...

They both look delighted with each other.

Suzie said...

Looks like my house. The dog looks like he's having a great time

Anonymous said...

hehehe that is so cute

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