I got tagged by Karen at Busy Mamas for this 7 facts meme.
Here are the rules:
-List these rules on your blog.
-Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
-Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
1. We are moving back to the Northwoods of Wisconsin in a matter of days! So I probably won't be posting again for at least a week!
2. I have an MA in English. Which you probably never would have guessed from my writing! ;) Once I return, I plan on concentrating more on the writing aspect, so I will probably not be posting as often. Its too easy to write too casually in this forum.
3. In one semester I taught 5 or 6 English Composition classes at 3 different community colleges! And they were all at different levels or different types (developmental writing, technical writing, business communications, comp I and comp II)
4. I started this blog because I love writing. And because I wanted to meet other moms and I'm too lazy to actually get out and go somewhere.
5. I love to crochet! I really love to crochet baby stuff! I love it so much that for the past couple of years I have crocheted all the neices and nephews x-mas gifts (which is a LOT).
6. My favorite food is anything Mexican! Sadly, there are no Mexican restaurants up north :( We have to drive an hour for a halfway decent one.
7. I really can't wait to get back to my fenced in yard back in Wisconsin! At least we will still have about a month of decent weather to enjoy it! Winter starts way early up there :)
OK, phew... now for the seven lucky people I tag for this meme: Suzie at Up the Hill Backwards, Jenn at I Hate Whine!, Nut Nut at Nutty Tales, Nissa at Nissa's Niceties, MamaGeek at What Works for Us, Beth at Around the Funny Farm, and Pepper Scraps.