Thursday, February 28, 2008


I finally added a blogroll for all the feeds I read! :) phew, that was time consuming... I probably spend just as much time reading blogs as I do writing them. I am completely obsessed with the blogosphere as of late. Which is seriously interfering with my packing ;) But there are sooo many good blogs out there! If you don't want to get addicted, please don't check any of them out ;)

The cool thing I've noticed lately is all the giveaways! What a great way to get traffic to your blog and who doesn't love giveaways? What a wonderful way to promote a product or business. I will totally do this once I set up my Etsy shop! I started it almost a year ago with every intention of listing lots of cute crocheted items for baby... but then got sidetracked *with* babies ;) But I plan to give it a real go here once we get settled after the big move. I'll be in a much better position to do it then.

5 Minutes for Mom had a great list of giveaways on their blog, so check out that link. And Judith Shakespeare is giving away a really cool T-shirt on her site: The Only Thing I Know
Happy Blogging!


Nissa said...

Yes, get your etsy shop up & running! I love crocheted items (that's a skill I never was able to grasp!)

Thanks for putting me on your new blogroll! You're on mine, too!

Anonymous said...

yes, thanks for adding me to your blogroll too!

you have a great blog!!


Happy Mommy said...

I know what you mean! I am addicted to the blogosphere as well! Thank You for all your sweet comments that you leave on my page! you know how to add a feedburner?? I haven't figured out how to do that yet!

Happy Mommy said...

OH MY! I am soooo happy! You put me on your blogroll! I feel so honored! Thank You so much! How sweet!

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