Thursday, December 4, 2008

Vocabulary of B

Is it just me or do girls gain their vocabulary at a faster rate/earlier age? I swear my son didn't say more than a few words until he was maybe 2 or older. (Of course he pretty much went from one word utterings to almost full sentences about overnight!).

Baby B is almost 14 months, and her verbal skills are just amazing to me. When she sees daddy she will say "Hi Daayee!" when she vacates my lap she will wave and say "buh-bye seeya."

She will point and say "wassat?"

This morning she was calling to our little dog sally "saay saay." She can say the other dog's name pretty good too - "jo-jo." My son D named her when he was a little over 2 years old. Around the time my husband brought her home, D was saying "Jo-Jo" quite a bit. Around here, they call the potato wedges (like from KFC) Jo-Jo's and he really liked them.

And she loves her big brother "Duh Duh"

It's been quite interesting having a boy and a girl within a couple years of each other, in comparing how and when they reach certain milestones. I do know that all children are different and regardless, reach those milestones in their own time. But through my observation, there does seem to be a difference between the genders. It seems to me that boys reach those physical feats sooner than the girls. D was crawling, pulling himself up, cruising and walking much earlier than B. And I remember my neice, who is 2 mos younger than D, also seemed to reach those physical types of milestones a little later than he did (while her verbal skills continued to be way ahead of his). But on the other hand, it seems that the motor skills, hand-eye coordination and manipulation of fingers and objects happens a little quicker with the girls. And the girls also reach those social milestones a little quicker.

Has anyone else noticed these kinds of gender differences in reaching milestones?


Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

It does seem girls do things earlier than boys, but I do not have personal experience, having two girls and all. We have a cousin who is about the same age as Izzy but he is no where near where she was and/or is. very different it seems between the two genders.

Congrats on baby b being so talkative. Izzy was the same way. She was walking at 7 months and talking too.

Momisodes said...

That is so interesting. I bet it's pretty incredibly getting to see the differences.

I only have 1 daughter, but she has a male cousin just a few weeks younger, and she is certainly a bit more advanced verbally and socially :)

Missy said...

My daughter really did not say much until she was 2 - I was actually a bit worried about her lack of verbal skills. My son, however, talked quite a bit, and now at just over age 2, is speaking is full sentances (although he is still pretty hard to understand). Maybe it is a 2nd child thing - I know that Pooky had adored and wanted to play with his big sister since before he could even crawl.

Anonymous said...

We've seen this difference with just about everything between my daughter and son. I have pictures of my daughter at 18 mo. sitting on the potty. My son saw 18 months a few days ago and we are NO WHERE near that. And speaking was HUGE. By this time my daughter had a bunch of words. My son really has VERY few - maybe 2? The only thing I have found that my son was more at is climbing - even though he walked around 13 months and my daughter started at 10. Everyone I've talked to says they tend to catch up by KG age-ish.

Tara said...

I have 5, but my last 2 were Boy/Girl twins...and yes, Girly is 3x faster than little man. he always seems to catch up, but she's on it way before he is. He's faster, more daring, but "intellectually" she blows him out the door ;O)

Nut Nut said...

Mateo's been a good talker for some time, but he's not doing anything spectacular - just a lot of single words with some phrases. My mom says that boys and girls are totally different with everything (she only has two daughters, and we, the two daughters, only have boys, so she sees the differences), though. I think it would be really great to see how different they are as they grow up!

Nut Nut said...
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Suzie said...

I noticed the same thing. B was walking several months before S and S is speaking earlier than B. Its true

Cascia Talbert said...

Your children are typical but mine are not typical. My son is eighteen months younger than my daughter. My daughter started talking when she was seven months old and was talking in sentences by the time she was about a year and a half. She didn't start walking until she was fourteen months. My son on the other hand said his first word when he was only five months old. By the time he was a year he had about a 100 word vocabulary and had begun putting words together. Now he is nearly seventeen months old and is talking in complete sentences. My son started walking when he was fourteen and a half months. Every child is different. Sometimes gender does not play a part.

Anonymous said...

That's pretty cool. My daughters were born first, then the son...and he learned phenominally fast - mostly because his sisters forced him to play 'school' all the time. He was reading on his 3rd birthday. Books, not just a word here and there.

I will tell ya though, girls whine A LOT more than boys. So get ready and brace yourself. It's a lonnng road! lol

Anonymous said...

They really do. There have been several studies on the subject.

Kaci said...

It's crazy isn't it! I only have El but just seeing her and my neice it's crazy!

Jannie Funster said...

I only have one child, a girl but my experience is yes, girls are much more verbal, earlier. (And keep it up until they die.)

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