Saturday, August 30, 2008

We are Employed!!

Yes it's true. And so its not actually me that's employed... but my husband has just finished his first week of work. I didn't say anything sooner because I didn't want to jinx it!

Last week things were looking pretty bleak for us. Here we are with $44.44 (yes that # is exact) in our bank account and no job offer in sight. Although it was quickly becoming a dire situation, we knew that things could get a lot worse - we were not yet at rock bottom, but it was sure to come.

I joined in the job search. We were both applying for every job under the sun. And let me just say that I was not looking forward to calling up the only references I have (all academic) to see if they would be a reference for me for a bank teller job... how humiliating that would have been. It's just amazing how you can come out with a graduate degree and still be compelled to apply for jobs that require no degree.

My husband had applied for this particular job back at the beginning of July, even before we left Iowa. When he called to make sure they had gotten his app materials they said they would have to call back as they were "overwhelmed" with applicants. It didn't look good. And by the time we made the move back up here we figured that he wasn't going to get called for an interview as it had already been almost a month. But then 2 days after our move he got the call for an interview. The interview wasn't for another 2 weeks! So more anxious waiting...

A week after his interview we hadn't heard anything and of course began to assume the worst. And we were getting quite desperate for employment of any kind. And I was ready to have at least one of us out of the house for a few hours a day after spending about 30 entire days together ;) He got the call last Thursday! And started on Monday. We were thinking he didn't get it because when he interviewed they said they were looking to hire someone asap as the school semester will be starting next week.

Needless to say we are beside ourselves with glee :) Neither of us had to take a janitor job :)


Nut Nut said...

Hurrah! That's great news!!

Awake said...

That rocks the hizzouse!

Missy said...

What a relief! Here's to happier and less-stressful times ahead...

anymommy said...

Hurray. Congratulations to you all. I hope that this starts to make you feel settled and at home again!

Suzie said...

Weee congrats

Unknown said...

Woot! Jobs are good!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! That is wonderful news

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