Sunday, August 24, 2008

Jack-Black-itis or Diagnosis: Too Much Jack Black

Friday evening our daughter M was having a pain in her left side, especially when breathing... we were concerned that it could have been her appendix or pneumonia, so we just took her right in. Of course it took over an hour to be seen... Small town ER's really suck. This one has 3 adjoining curtained "rooms" that have barely enough room for a patient and doctor. Anyway, they ran a bunch of tests that took forever... her lungs sounded fine, her urine test came back with no infections, she was getting plenty of oxygen and her x-rays came back clear. The verdict was that she had pulled a muscle in her side.

She said she couldn't think of anything she did to have pulled a muscle. The only thing we could think of was that we'd all watched the Jack Black movie "Be Kind Rewind" the night before and were all laughing our butts off!! M actually watched it twice. So we figure she pulled a muscle laughing. We told her she was having a little case of Jack-Black-itus.


anymommy said...

Hilarious. I love it. Hope she's fully recovered.

Suzie said...

Too funny. Im glad she's ok

Michelle said...

I'm glad it wasn't anything serious....That must be one funny movie;0)

Vered said...

Wow, she must have laughed hard!

I'm glad she's OK and by the way... ERs always suck. :(

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Well I'm glad she's okay, right?!?

I feel ya, I think I've suffered from that and Will Ferrelitis once or twice myself too!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha She actually pulled a muscle laughing. That's classic.

I'm glad she's doing alright though and it wasn't anything more serious.

Kmommy said...

@mamageek me too! Love Will Ferrel.

Nut Nut said...

I think Jack Black would be somewhat pleased by this story!

Glad her pain was simply from laugher and nothing bad.

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