Thursday, March 13, 2008


Haven't had a new post in almost 2 weeks now! We just had the most horrendous moving experience ever! We drove a U-Haul 8 hours to find a house that was so not ready for occupancy. It was extremely filthy. Not to mention black mold in the basement. We had been staying in a local motel for about 5 days, and finally checked out yesterday to move into a new rental house that is at least very clean and the landlords are quite sane.
I will probably not post anything for another week, as we are still trying to move our stuff from one house to another... it's been quite the experience. I feel so horrible for my children. They seem to be taking it all in stride. Thank God for my 10 year old daughter, who has been so much help for the past week.
Baby B's two bottom teeth are breaking through! (I know, what a time). And I swear she said ma-ma today!! :)
Anyway, look for more of our adventures in a week or so!


Unknown said...

You just won a fabulous giveaway on Hip Mama's Place...check it out! Congrats! :)

Please use the contact info to send me your address. Thanks!
Jocelyn @

Nissa said...

I'm sorry you're having a not so smooth move!!

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